March Allotment Tour Video

I’m back on your screens in my second allotment garden video! If you remember from my New Year Resolutions post, I’m making an effort to shoot more video content this year. Not only have I set up a dedicated Homegrown.Garden YouTube channel, but I’m also having fun shooting more stories on Instagram too!

In this episode, I’ll give you a tour around my plot at St. Ann’s Allotments so you can get a better idea of what my patch of dirt really looks like, as well as my (now) tidy and organised shed! I’ll share my ambitious plans for the year ahead, and show you some exciting activity that has taken place in my wildlife pond, in between the heavy snowfall.

At 29 minutes, this video is a bit of a lengthy one. They won’t all be this long I promise! So make yourself a cuppa and get comfy. I apologise in advance for my nervousness, the interrupting chainsaw and rambling! This is only my second video, so if you like what I’m doing let me know and I might even invest in a little fuzzy microphone in the future!

Trug handmade by Loldeantimber.

5 thoughts on “March Allotment Tour Video

  1. You have an interesting blog here! As an amateur gardener I’m happy to find you and will be following you.
    My grandmother used to hang a wooden board using ropes suspended from the ceiling so it makes a sort of hanging shelf almost like a swing overhead. And the longer tools used to be kept on this. It saved floorspace and since it was overhead it never bothered anyone. Hope this helps with your tools.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Rose! Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to watch my video. ☺️ It sounds like your Grandmother had a genius space-saving idea there!💡 Thank you for sharing.


  2. What a lovely area you have. I will be really interested to see it burst into life over the next few months. Love the strawberry cages. Last year I had big problems with birds eating my crops so resulted to netting the area. I think I could be tempted to make some myself. To sit over my raised beds.


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